Town of Brevard (

Transylvania County (

State of North Carolina ( )

North Carolina General Statutes, Chapter 47F (NC Planned Community Act)

Liens: (North Carolina State Law 2011-362 (NCGS 47F Amendment)

North Carolina General Statutes, Chapter 55A (NC Nonprofit Corporation Act)

Heart of Brevard
A nonprofit downtown revitalization organization whose purpose is to stimulate downtown through efforts in organization, promotion, design, and economic restructuring.

Brevard/Transylvania Tourism Development Authority
Find more information about Transylvania County travel and tourism.

 Transylvania County
Transylvania County government’s website

Transylvania County Tax Administration

Transylvania County Online GIS
Look up property information, including parcel identification number (PIN) and city zoning district.

Cradle of Forestry
The birth place of forestry in America. This 6,500-acre site in Pisgah National Forest features America’s first School of Forestry built over 100 years ago.

Brevard Music Center
Brevard Music Center offers a full range of operas and concerts with well-known artists and provides an intensive summer study for gifted high school, college, and pre-professional musicians.

White Squirrel Institute

Everything you ever wanted to know about Brevard’s White Squirrels.

Brevard College
A 4-year private, coeducational, liberal arts college located in Brevard.

Blue Ridge Community College (BRCC)
BRCC is a part of the state community college system and offers curriculum and continuing education classes. BRCC has a site in Transylvania County.

Transylvania County Library 
Public library serving Transylvania County with materials, programs, and services for all ages.

Going Native: Urban Landscaping for Wildlife with Native Plants