Lake Hondah Property Owners Association Newsletter

September 2018

After our annual meeting on June 24th we now have two new Board Members:  Tisha Allen and Desmond Duncker of 401 Spring Water Dr.

Your Property Owners Association Board is now comprised of:

  • Raymond Jacques, President
  • Gordie Roberts, VicePresident/Treasurer
  • Diane Jacques, Secretary
  • Sandy Roberts, Board Member
  • Leticia Allen, Board Member
  • Desmond Duncker, Board Member 

We know most of you may be wondering about the two main items on our to-do list:

• Road Repair 

• Silt Pond 

We have contracted with Pisgah Asphalt Paving to repair the potholes and re-pave some sections of our roads this year. You may have noticed painted yellow markings on the roads to identify areas in dire need of repair. We know that our roads are getting worse, and we’re as anxious as you are to get this done.  We ask for your continued patience, once the paving starts as there will be detours and road closures while the pavers do their work. The work was scheduled for earlier in the summer, but Pisgah Asphalt Paving has had to postpone our appointment several times due to rainy weather. Paving is now scheduled for this coming Monday, October 1st. Please drive with caution around the equipment that will be brought in to accomplish the road work.

The Silt Pond also needs work, and we have contracted with Cedar Mountain Grading to remove some of the sediment and reconstruct the inflow area to prevent further filling of the pond. Until these repairs are made we continue to keep the pond drained. The date for the pond repairs has not yet been determined. We will let you know as soon as we have a date as heavy equipment will need to be brought in for this work.

At the annual meeting a number of suggestions were made to improve the road signs and markings, and you may have noticed a few small changes already. After the road repairs are completed you will see more new signs and markings to improve navigation around the development. Stay tuned.

In the upcoming month the annual POA report and  financials will be will sent out via Postal Mail so check your mail boxes.

Finally, in the interest of adopting a paperless means of communication, we ask that property owners provide the Board with email addresses, so that all future news can be sent to you electronically.   Your email address will not be broadcast or shared with anyone, and will enable the association to communicate with you more promptly and directly.  If you received this email newsletter, you are already on the list. If you know anyone who needs to be added to this list, please have them send an email to  In future, all communications from the Association  will be sent from this address, which will enable us to provide more frequent updates and news.  All emails to this address will be checked regularly, and we also encourage  property owners to communicate any questions, concerns or comments to the Board via email at this address.


Lake Hondah POA Board

200 Hondah Blvd

Brevard, NC 28712

Newsletter – September 2018