Please vote for the Board Positions shown below. To vote please check one of the choices shown with each position, or write in a candidate.
If no party is designated, or the designated individual above is not in attendance, the Secretary of the Association shall be my agent.
To vote in this election, one must be a property owner in good standing as of the date of the election.
We look forward to your participation in this election. Using this proxy, you may vote at anytime until the day before the Annual Meeting & Election. It MUST be received by the day before the election date for this to be entered into the system and counted.
We urge you to vote, but if you prefer not to vote please return this proxy anyway as your proxy needs to be counted for a quorum to be reached. If no choices is made, the designated agent will cast your vote on the Board positions as they see fit.
If you attend the annual meeting in person, this proxy will be nullified as you are able to vote in person.